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Planting Trees and Sowing Seeds   3 comments

Somebody once told me how Martin Luther answered the question, “What would you do if you knew you only had one more day to live?”  They said his answer was, “I would plant a tree.”  Whether or not Martin was ever actually asked that question or answered in such a way, the thought struck me. The thought of spending one’s last day to plant a tree which he would never see flourish and produce fruit could easily seem foolish.  However, I have become increasingly aware that God calls me to plant trees and sow seeds…that I often don’t get the privilege to watch produce fruit.

I have less than ten weeks left in Uganda.  Micah will be returning at the same time as me, but he’ll be coming back within a month after that, so we’re not quite in the same boat.  During our last stint out in the village, we planted almost 100 trees on Nate Jore’s land.  The thought of the quantity and quality of oranges, mangos, tangerines, and avacados that could be produced in a couple years is exciting…but not mine to see.  I labored to plant those trees, but I’ve got move on to the new place God is calling me.  Thoughts of my physical labor and the hope for physical and very edible fruits have turned to thoughts of spiritual labor in the kingdom of God and the fruits which bring Him glory.

I’ve met a lot of people, seen a lot of sights, and done a lot of things in Uganda.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and I’ve been a failure at times.  But through it all, I cling to the promise that God called me here, and that He has been using me.  Looking forward at these last two months, I want to be planting as many trees and sowing as much of the Word of God seed as God allows and enables.  There is a great spiritual need for Christ in Uganda – in our apartment, on the streets of Jinja, in the villages, and on the islands.  I know that I likely won’t get to see any of the longterm affects of my investing in the lives of people here in the next couple months…but it’s not about my getting to see the fruit.  It’s about God’s glory.  He calls me to plant and sow His Word, so planting and sowing is what I am going to do.

The Bible has a lot to say about sowing seed, trees, producing fruit, reaping harvests, and the growth that God alone can give.  If it interests you to look at just a few, check out: I Corinthians 3:6-7, Mark 4:26-29, John 15:8, 1 Peter 1:22-25, and Psalm 126:5-6.  There are many others, but those are some that have interested me today.

Don’t try and produce fruit in the lives of others, my friends.  It doesn’t work.  Listen to the voice of God and obey in doing what He calls you to.  He provides abundant grace, and His Word is full of promises to which you can cling.  God is surely good.

I look forward to my last 10 weeks in Uganda.  I don’t know everything that is going to happen nor whether I am going to get to see any immediate fruit from my ministry…but I know God is going before and with me.  And that’s enough.

May the grace of God and the riches of Jesus Christ be with you.

Planting and sowing,


Here are some pictures from our last couple weeks in Uganda:

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Posted February 24, 2012 by Hans Tanner in Uganda

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