Archive for the ‘Pictures’ Tag

Getting Muddy for the Kingdom!   2 comments

Tusangaile!  Muli mutiya? (How are you?)

Now that I finally have had a stint in town that has been long enough to sit down and do some computer work, I can share with you some glimpses into our lives through the pictures I’ve been taking.  There’s been no lack of great pictures to take!  Actually, I think that photography is becoming a new passion of mine.  The previously unknown joy of pouring creativity and effort into capturing the Creator’s completely creative creation in pictures has got me hooked.  Thankfully, I’ve got a connection to a superb photographer in the form of Janna’s sister, Abby – soon to be my sister-in-law.  I’m soon going to be asking her for loads of advice!  Hopefully, the pictures show the results of what I learn.

I just sent out an email with a detailed update on different aspects of the ministry that is occurring here in Uganda.  If you didn’t get it, and you want it, just let me know.  For now, the plan is to primarily use the blog for sharing pictures and videos.

Here are some of those promised pictures:

Posted October 2, 2011 by Hans Tanner in Uganda

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